Article archive

Screenwriting to Film making?

03/15/2012 11:49
Today I was quite depressed about me having to accept that the only way I could get any of my work noticed as a screenwriter, I would have to become a film maker! I know NOTHING about film making, (well maybe just a little). But it's a whole new ball game for me. It's easy as a screenwriter, all...

Stage 32: New social networking site for anyone in the film and music business

03/08/2012 02:53
I first heard about Stage 32 only yesterday through another one of my favorite sites. Stage 32 is completely free to sign up and operate. Anyone in the music or film business can build a network by browing through discussion forums, profiles, projects, and a ton of other...

Success on the first day

03/08/2012 02:47
According to my stats, my new website recieved over 1200 hits on its first day running!!! I want to take time to thank any and everyone who took even the smallest of time to view my new website.

NEW INTEREST: Short Filmmaking

03/07/2012 11:27
I once read that a great way for a screenwriter to kick off a career in the film business is to start with short film. So with that said, I will officially be taking a ton of time learning to produce short films. (Though feature films are what I prefer). If anyone has any advice on how to produce...

New event

03/07/2012 06:39
This is a sample event description. You can edit this description as you wish or remove the entire event.

VIP Hollywood with

03/07/2012 01:20
  It's on the grid is an amazing website for anyone who is into the film business and wants to see what screenplay being sold and films in productions. Anything and everything can come from such an amazing sight. I would highly recommend...

Welcome Everyone!

03/07/2012 00:53
Welcome everyone to my new website. Thanks to Ashley Scott Meyers from, I became inspired to create my own website. So please take time to looks around if you wish, leave a comment to let me know your opinion. Thanks =D
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